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Game Name : Seek And Destroy
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2004-10-04 13:49:52
Views : 24043

Black and fire paint job
Select the BHE tank (the only one with a body, turret, and heavy signs), then choose the urban paint job. It should be all black with fire on the front.

Alternate route
When you get to the point where you have the option to do the Naldnick level at night using night parts, do not do so, If you do, you will have to do a very difficult city level where you must destroy blockhouses without damaging the town. Instead, do the other level you have access to. Then, do Naldnick at Daytime. You will then skip the blockhouse level altogether.

All gear in battle mode
When first starting out in story mode, choose a tank and battle with it to gain money. Then once you have a lot of moneym go to the shops and buy equipment. Equip it and save the game. After this, sell it and buy different items. Repeat this until you have all the gear desired. Once done, go to battle mode and select "Custom Tank". You will now able to customize it with any gear desired.

Alternate introduction sequence
Press Triangle at the "Press Start" screen.

Grand Flag
Enter ODGRITRO as a password at the suspicious looking pink tank in first town.

AirGatling weapon
Enter GSASINRI as a password at the suspicious looking pink tank in first town to unlock the AirGatling weapon for the sub-weapon B configuration. It is for shooting down aerial targets only.

Devil Wing special part
Win all arena battles to earn the Devil Wing special part.

Defeating the Last Master
The Last Master has three forms. The first two are easy -- shoot him and kill him. The last form is difficult. You have to shoot the tank under him and destroy it. He will fall down. Make sure you hit his face when he falls down. His armor is weak when you shoot him. However, it is difficult to shoot him when he falls down because the gears are moving. Be careful, as they may crush you. When the boss gets up, the tank that is under him regenerates and you have to destroy it again. Repeat this process until he is defeated. Note: Shooting his face has no effect.

Angel Wings special part
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Angel Wings part. These allow you to fly without using a lot of fuel.

1000 Gold
Enter KWNOHIRO as a password at the suspicious looking pink tank in first town.

Boundbomb weapon
Enter KKHWEEEE as a password at the suspicious looking pink tank in first town.

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